The folder number is a smart field, and the box number is sometimes a smart field. As noted above when the “Next Folder in Box” button is clicked the folder number text box is not reset to null or zero-length string It is instead set to the folder number variable value plus 1. However if the “Next Box” button is clicked the folder number text box is set to 1 and the box number text box is set to the box number variable plus 1.
What this all means is that if you have
Collection: 5544
Box: 12
Folder: 14
And click “Next Folder in Box” the form will show
Collection: 5544
Box: 12
Folder: 15
However, if you click “Next Box” the form will show
Collection: 5544
Box: 13
Folder: 1
So, once those three fields are filled in at the beginning of a data entry session they never need to be touched again for the entire session, no matter how many folders or boxes are processed.
Here is the VBA code I used:
Dim intBox as integer ‘Variable to hold the box number.
Dim intFolder as integer ‘Variable to hold the folder number.
intBox = Nz(Me!txtBox, 0) ‘Pick up the box number from the form,
‘convert to a zero if null.
intFolder = Nz(Me!txtFolder, 0) ‘Pick up the folder number from the form,
‘convert to a zero if null.
‘Code to write the form data to a table would go here.
‘When all tasks are done, reset the form.
‘If “Next Folder in Box” was clicked, add one to the folder number.
intFolder = intFolder + 1
‘If “Next Box” was clicked, add one to the box number
‘and reset the folder number to 1.
intBox = intBox + 1
intFolder = 1
Me!txtBox = intBox ‘Set the box number control’s value on the
‘form to intBox.
Me!txtFolder = intFolder ‘Set the folder number control’s value on the
‘form to intFolder.
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