Friday, December 9, 2011

Input Box Error Capture in MS Access

I find input boxes quite useful for getting data from users, especially if it is just a single number, but input boxes can present a problem if the user cancels or exits the input box, or clicks “Okay” without entering anything in the input box. In all three of these cases the input box returns a zero-length string. You not only need to capture this error, but you need to discover the intent of the user in order to redirect the code in the right way. If the user meant to exit or cancel the input box you’ll want to exit the sub. If the user simply clicked “Okay” before entering the data you’ll want to offer them the chance to enter the data.

The initial error will be a “type mismatch” if the variable for the input data is dimensioned as an integer. Instead, use a string variable, then latter pass the value to an integer variable if needed.

Here is the error capture code for an input box where the user tells how many folders an overfilled folder should be divided into.

strSplit = InputBox("Split Folder " & intFolder & " into how many folders?")
'If the user fails to specify how many folders the folder is to be split into display an error
'message and re-present the input box.
If strSplit = "" Then
     'Since VBA input boxes do not differentiate between "Cancel", "Exit", and "Okay (with no data entered)"
     'the error capture needs a mechanism to allow the user to exit or cancel if they wish or enter data
     'if they had forgotten to enter it.
     If MsgBox("You have not specified the number of folders or have clicked 'Cancel'" & vbNewLine & "Do           you wish to Cancel?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
          'The user meant to exit or cancel, so exit the sub
          Exit Sub
          'The user did not mean to exit or cancel, so re-present the input box.
          Call cmdSave_Click
     End If
     intSplit = strSplit
     [rest of the code to split the folder]
End If

Friday, November 4, 2011

Capturing a list box error in MS Access.

There are several places in KIDB where the user can select from a list box and then click a button to perform an action on the selection. A good example of this is you can select a box from the list box on the Box Location form and click a button to move it, that is to assign it a new address in the stacks. A potential problem with this is if someone clicks the button without first selecting a row in the list box, which chokes the code. Here is how I capture that error in the On Click event of the Move Box button:

Private Sub cmdMoveBox_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdMoveBox_Click

'Sub allows user to move a box from one address to another.
'Limits ability to move boxes to users with a permission level of 3 or higher.

     Dim strDocName As String
     Dim strLinkCriteria As String
     Dim lst As Access.ListBox
     Set lst = Me.BoxList
     Dim intUser As Integer

     strDocName = "frmBoxMove"

     'Check for user authorization to delete boxes.
     intUser = Nz(DLookup("[Level]", "tluUsers", "[UserID]= '" & Environ("username") & "'"))

     If intUser > 2 Then
          'Check to see if any boxes have been selected.
          If lst.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
               'Let the user know what is wrong.
               MsgBox "No box has been selected to move."
               'Exit the sub.
               Exit Sub
          'Check that no more than 1 box has been selected.
          ElseIf lst.ItemsSelected.Count > 1 Then
               'Let the user know what is wrong.
               MsgBox "Please select only one box to move."
               'Clear the listbox selections.
               lst.ListIndex = -1
               'Exit the sub.
               Exit Sub
          'If only one box is selected open the move box form.
               strLinkCriteria = "[BoxID]=" & Me!BoxList.Column(11)
               DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , strLinkCriteria
          End If
          MsgBox "Sorry, you are not authorized to move boxes."
     End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdMoveBox_Click

End Sub

Friday, September 30, 2011

EAD and Microsoft Access

Our collection database, and database of record, KIDB, is an Access database. We also have most of our folder lists in an Access database. What this means is that virtually all the metadata needed to construct EAD guides for our collections exists in Access databases. So instead of having a collection cataloged in MARC, extracting EAD from the MARC record using Terry Reese’s MarcEdit, tagging the container list with Ead McTaggart, merging the two resultant documents, and finally doing a fair amount of editing. I wanted push-button EAD.

I am not including all the code for doing this here. There is just too much of it, in reality it is most of the KIDB database. I will include the code that actually writes the front matter portion of the EAD document. You can find the code for the container list in an earlier post about EAD McTaggart. First a little bit about how to get ready to push the EAD button.

When I started this KIDB already had many of the elements needed to create an EAD guide. The collection title, creator, collection number, extent, etc. Some of the other material is pretty much boilerplate: contact information, repository, restrictions, citation, etc. What was missing were the descriptive elements like biography, abstract, organizational history, related collections, subjects. Step one was to build into KIDB a way to hold those elements and keep track of them. I did this with four tables. One, tblFrontMatter, has fields for the collection ID number, abstract, scope and content note, biography, organizational history, related collections, and subjects. A second, tblEntities, has fields for contact information, user information, and repository. The third keeps track of who added what to tblFrontMatter for which collection and when. The fourth is used to record who made any changes to the data in tblFrontMatter and when it was done.

With all the necessary data now contained in one database it was simply a matter of writing the code to tag it properly. The entire tagged code for the front matter is compiled in one variable, which is then added to a table designed to hold it. Then Ead McTaggart is called and he adds the tagged container list to the table, one row for each folder. When that is done a report pulls out the data row by row and exports it as an xml file. The table is then emptied.

Here is the code for tagging the front matter:

    strText = "<" & Chr(63) & "xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " encoding=" & Chr(34) & "utf-8" & Chr(34) & Chr(63) & ">"
    strText = strText & "<" & Chr(63) & "xml-stylesheet type=" & Chr(34) & "text/xsl" & Chr(34) & " href=" & Chr(34) & "../styles/style.xsl" & Chr(34) & Chr(63) & ">" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<" & Chr(33) & "DOCTYPE ead PUBLIC " & Chr(34) & Chr(43) & "//ISBN 1-931666-00-8//DTD ead.dtd "
    strText = strText & "(Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Version 2002)//EN" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & "../dtds/ead.dtd" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<ead>" & Chr(10) & "<eadheader repositoryencoding=" & Chr(34) & "iso15511"
    strText = strText & Chr(34) & " relatedencoding=" & Chr(34) & "MARC21" & Chr(34) & " countryencoding="
    strText = strText & Chr(34) & "iso3166-1" & Chr(34) & " scriptencoding=" & Chr(34) & "iso15924" & Chr(34)
    strText = strText & " dateencoding=" & Chr(34) & "iso8601" & Chr(34) & " langencoding=" & Chr(34) & "iso639-2b" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<eadid mainagencycode=" & Chr(34) & "nic" & Chr(34) & " countrycode="
    strText = strText & Chr(34) & "us" & Chr(34) & " publicid=" & Chr(34) & "-//Cornell University::"
    strText = strText & "Cornell University Library::Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives//"
    strText = strText & "TEXT(US::NIC::KCL0" & strCollNum & "::" & strCollTitle & ".)//EN" & Chr(34) & ">"
    strText = strText & "KCL0" & strPathNum & ".xml</eadid>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<filedesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<titlestmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<titleproper>Guide to " & strCollTitle & "<date> " & strDate & "</date></titleproper>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<titleproper type=" & Chr(34) & "sort" & Chr(34) & ">" & strCollTitle & "</titleproper>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<author>Compiled by  " & strProcessor & "</author>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</titlestmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<publicationstmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<publisher>Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library</publisher>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<date>" & Format(dteDate, "MMMM dd, yyyy") & "</date>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</publicationstmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<notestmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<note audience=" & Chr(34) & "internal" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<p><subject>Labor</subject></p>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</note>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</notestmt>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</filedesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<profiledesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<creation>Finding aid encoded by KIDB, Ead McTaggart, and " & strEncoder & ", <date>" & Format(Date, "MMMM dd, yyyy") & "</date></creation>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</profiledesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</eadheader>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<frontmatter>" & Chr(10) & "<titlepage>"
    strText = strText & "<titleproper>Guide to the " & strCollTitle & "<lb/></titleproper>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<num>Collection Number: " & strCollNum & "</num>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & strAddress
    strText = strText & "<defitem>"
    strText = strText & "<label>Compiled by:</label>"
    strText = strText & "<item>" & strProcessor & "</item>"
    strText = strText & "</defitem>"
    strText = strText & "<defitem>"
    strText = strText & "<label>EAD encoding:</label>"
    strText = strText & "<item>" & strEncoder & ", " & Format(Date, "MMMM dd, yyyy") & "</item>"
    strText = strText & "</defitem>"
    strText = strText & "</list>"
    strText = strText & "<date>© " & DatePart("yyyy", Date) & " Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library </date>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</titlepage>" & Chr(10) & "</frontmatter>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<archdesc level=" & Chr(34) & "collection" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "<did>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<head id=" & Chr(34) & "a1" & Chr(34) & ">DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY</head>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<unittitle label=" & Chr(34) & "Title:" & Chr(34) & " encodinganalog=" & Chr(34) & "MARC 245$a" & Chr(34) & ">" & strCollTitle & "," & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<unitdate encodinganalog=" & Chr(34) & "MARC 245$f" & Chr(34) & ">" & strDate & "</unitdate>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</unittitle>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<unitid label=" & Chr(34) & "Collection Number:" & Chr(34) & ">" & strCollNum & "</unitid>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<origination label=" & Chr(34) & "Creator:" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<persname encodinganalog=" & Chr(34) & "MARC 100" & Chr(34) & " role=" & Chr(34) & "creator" & Chr(34) & ">" & strCollCreator & "</persname>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</origination>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<physdesc label=" & Chr(34) & "Quantity:" & Chr(34) & " encodinganalog=" & Chr(34) & "MARC 300" & Chr(34) & ">" & dblLinear & " linear ft.</physdesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "<physdesc label=" & Chr(34) & "Forms of Material:" & Chr(34) & ">Articles, reprints, pamphlets, correspondence, photographs.</physdesc>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & strRepository & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & strAbstract
    strText = strText & "<langmaterial label=" & Chr(34) & "Language:" & Chr(34) & ">Collection material in <language encodinganalog=" & Chr(34) & "MARC 041" & Chr(34) & " langcode=" & Chr(34) & "eng" & Chr(34) & ">English</language>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</langmaterial>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & "</did>" & Chr(10)
    strText = strText & strTopOrgHist
    strText = strText & strBio
    strText = strText & strOrgHist
    strText = strText & strScope
    strText = strText & strSubjects
    strText = strText & "<descgrp><head id=" & Chr(34) & "a10" & Chr(34) & ">INFORMATION FOR USERS</head>"
    strText = strText & "<accessrestrict><head>Access Restrictions:</head>"
    strText = strText & "<p>Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.</p>"
    strText = strText & "</accessrestrict><userestrict><head>Restrictions on Use:</head>"
    strText = strText & "<p>This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.</p>"
    strText = strText & "</userestrict><prefercite><head>Cite As:</head>"
    strText = strText & "<p>" & strCollTitle & " #" & strCollNum & ". Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.</p>"
    strText = strText & "</prefercite></descgrp>"
    strText = strText & strRelated

A few notes on some of the variables. The collection number is in two variables: strCollNum has the collection number as it appears in KIDB (i.e. 5169/043 AV), strPathNum has the collection number formatted to work as a valid file name (i.e. 5619-043av). How you choose to store multiple value fields will determine how you populate variables like strCreator, strSubjects, strRelated. I list creators in one field, delimited with a semi-colon. It is the same with related collections. When I pull the data I use the split function to separate out the values, format and tag then for EAD, then reassemble them in a single variable. Subjects are stored with a line break between them, each one beginning with the MARC field code (600: for a person and so on). For subjects I split on the line break (chr(10)) and use the MARC field to set the tags (persname, corpname, etc.) and the attributes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Curly Quotes in MS Access

If you cut and paste text from MS Word, or some other writing application, into MS Access curly quotes, sometimes called smart quotes can be a problem. When you try to run that text through VBA or SQL the quotes can choke your code, especially the single quotes or apostrophes. I have a function to convert single quotes to two single quotes before handling the text in VBA, but it is for straight quotes, Chr(39), and does not recognize the curly quote. To fix this problem I wrote a new function that converts the curly quotes to straight quotes when the text is saved in Access. If you are not using unbound text boxes, you will have to call the function at some other point.

Here is the function:

Public Function fnCurlyQuotes(strText As String)

     'Convert a left single curly quote to a straight single quote
     strText = Replace(strText, Chr(145), Chr(39))
     'Convert a right single curly quote to a straight single quote.
     strText = Replace(strText, Chr(146), Chr(39))
     'Convert a left double curly quote to a straight double quote.
     strText = Replace(strText, Chr(147), Chr(34))
     'Convert a right double curly quote to a straight double quote.
     strText = Replace(strText, Chr(148), Chr(34))

fnCurlyQuotes = strText

End Function

To use the function I simply include it in the On Click event of my form’s Save button:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

     Dim intIndex As Integer
     Dim strText As String
     Dim strSQL As String

     intIndex = Me.txtIndex
     'Debug.Print "intIndex = " & intIndex
     strText = Nz(Me. strText, "")
     'Debug.Print "strText = " & strText
     'Convert all double and single curly quotes to straight quotes.
     strText= fnCurlyQuotes(strText)
     'Convert all single quotes to two single quotes.
     strText= fnSingleQuote(strText)

     strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblTable ([Index], [Text]) “
     strSQL = StrSQL & “VALUES (" & intIndex & ", '" & strText & "')"
     DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Sub

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sending email from MS Access

When a new accession is added to our collections management database an email is sent to several of the Kheel Center staff. The email includes the new accession’s collection number and title. The VBA code for doing this is triggered when the Save button is clicked on the New Collections form.

One thing you need to do to make this code work is go to Tools in the VBA Editor and under References make sure that the “Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library” is enabled. If Outlook is open on the machine Access will use that account to send the email, if Outlook is not open Access will open Outlook prompt you for your Outlook log in. Note that once you enable the Outlook Object Library the database will no longer work on a machine which does not have Microsoft Outlook installed.

First declare a few variables:

     Dim strCollNum As String           'Variable for the Collection Number.
     Dim strTitle As String                  'Variable for the Collection Title.
     Dim strTo As String                    'Variable for recipients’ email addresses
     Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
     Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
     Dim NameSpace As NameSpace
     Dim Folder As Folder

I pick up the collection number and title from the New Collections form

    strCollNum = Nz(Me.CollectionNumber, "No Collection Number Assigned")
    strTitle = Me.CollectionTitle
    'List the recipients for the email
    strTo = ";"
This is the code that actually sends the email:

     Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
     Set NameSpace = appOutLook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
     Set Folder = NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
     Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

     With MailOutLook
          .To = strTo
          'Insert the collection number in the subject line.
          .Subject = "New Collection " & strCollNum & " Accessioned"
          'Insert the collection number and title in the body of the message.
           .Body = "I have created a record for " & strCollNum & ": " & strTitle
          'If Left(Me.Mail_Attachment_Path, 1) <> "<" Then
               '.Attachments.Add (Me.Mail_Attachment_Path)
          'End If
          '.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
     End With

The commented-out lines of code can be uncommented if you want to include an attachment, which I have not tried and not keep the email in your Sent Items folder.